05 Sep GDPR transcription services and transcription privacy
In today’s climate, it’s essential to choose GDPR transcription services and companies that protect your data and privacy.
If you want to use GDPR transcription services and have transcription privacy, they should have an NDA that is signed by both parties before transferring any data or audio files. This is the first step in how to protect your data when using transcription services.
GDPR transcription services
GDPR transcription services should ensure that your data adheres to strict security processes. A worthy transcription service must follow GDPR regulations.
We believe a transcription company with data protection at the core of its operations is the minimum to expect.
ISO 27001 accreditation
ISO 27001 is an information security management system. Essentially, a strict set of rules that a company must abide by. Being regularly audited to remain ISO 27001 compliant means we are continuously monitoring every aspect of information security. In order to stay compliant, these checks and assessments are mandatory.
GDPR transcription services and security threats
In an ever-evolving digital world, it’s ISO 27001’s responsibility to recognise and cover a vast array of potential security threats and how to mitigate them. These include company compliance, security incident management, company security policy (including device and system access control). It also includes the control of company assets, employee and client data protection and any environmental or physical security risks. GDPR transcription services conform to ISO 27001 practices.
Confidentiality of audio transcription personnel is crucial
At VoiceNotes, we work with a secure, VPN-accessible, bespoke system, and all employees have their own uniquely allocated device. Conforming to ISO 27001’s standards means that we protect ourselves, our machines, our system and confidential employee and client data, from preventable breaches of security. How to protect your data when using GDPR transcription services means relying on the transcription service having its own devices, each being fully accountable for its actions. Maintaining a written record of the location of those devices at all times means is essential.
Staff adhere to strict confidentiality agreements. Furthermore, there are regular security best practice training sessions. All our staff are UK based and thoroughly vetted before working at VoiceNotes. Processes are created, in place and evaluated at regular intervals. All team members adhere to the strictest security measures that are necessary. A transcription company with data protection at the core of its technical operations is not enough. Employees and staff also need to adhere to data protection polices and procedures.
In protecting ourselves, how do we protect you?
How to protect your data when using a transcription company is a key question in a world where regulation is becoming stricter. We have our own strict standards to uphold. We appreciate the hard work and diligence that goes into detailed record-keeping. Security and data protection have always been paramount to us; ISO 27001 merely reinforces that. GDPR transcription services with data protection is so important these days. Put simply, the very act of protecting ourselves means we are protecting our clients.
When clients and prospective clients see that we are certified, it means that they can be secure in the knowledge that we have the strategies, checks and structures in place to protect their information and their clients’ information from the biggest threats in the tech world today. Regular re-auditing keeps us abreast of any developments or changes that we need to make in order to keep pace with these ever-changing threats to ensure we sustain the highest levels of data security possible, and it also allows us to re-assess our own internal operations for continued best practice for full information and security management.
How to protect your data when using GDPR transcription services involves security and compliance. Here’s what we do at VoiceNotes to ensure transcription privacy.
Since 2007, we have worked with FTSE 100 companies, including leading banks and financial companies, to make sure that our service meets their needs in terms of data protection, security and GDPR. For most clients, we complete an IT/IS questionnaire. This confirms and gives them peace of mind that our systems meet their requirements. Our service is also used in other regulated industries such as the legal sector.
Our systems undergo a third-party security penetration test by professional auditors. Multiple layers of encryption, both in transit and at rest, ensure data protection. All infrastructure platforms are built using secure configurations and hardened in accordance with industry best practice, whilst strict end-point control, AV, anti-malware, and anti-ransomware, along with external device policy and regular auditing, keep our systems up to date with protection against the latest threats. Our systems are reviewed regularly to keep ahead of compliance, regulatory, GDPR and data protection requirements.
References can be provided from banks, investment firms, IFAs and other financial services companies. All these types of companies use and trust our service to provide a secure dictation and transcription platform for all their meeting notes. Meetings could be with clients or internal.
For more about our security and transcription privacy.
In conclusion, your audio and data is safe with VoiceNotes. However, if you have any concerns about our privacy or us providing GDPR transcription services, please contact our VoiceNotes‘ Data Protection Officer. He is DPO@voicenotes.co.uk.
Please get in touch with any questions or to start your FREE trial – info@voicenotes.co.uk / 0207 117 0066.