A Human Resources transcription service for busy HR professionals


VoiceNotes: The Go-to Transcription Service for Busy HR Professionals


Audio transcription for human resources – information capture is a requirement, not a choice 

The increasing importance of audio transcription for human resources in the current age has seen it become a critical part of the armoury that makes the department function efficiently. The need for records and notes is constantly increasing and vital information for legal, ethical and reference purposes within this area of a business needs to be captured efficiently. However, it’s invariably even more complicated when operating in a world of virtual meetings and working from home. All companies have a duty to uphold these practices as a fundamental part of day-to-day human resources operations.

How are outsourced dictation and transcription services helping human resources departments?

The provision of quality, comprehensive and professionally proofed records is key to documenting human resources calls and meetings. Whether face to face or in the online world, documents take a great deal of time to write up. An outsourced transcription service can help save time and, therefore, money. Documenting records is an incredibly important part of the provision of evidence for any legal or compliance needs after the event – these records may be called on months or even years later. So, ensuring you have a rigorous and effective process in place for capturing them is key.

Some examples of specific documents for which HR departments use a transcription service are:

  • performance reviews (verbatim or retrospective summaries) and KPI developments;
  • disciplinary meetings;
  • grievance meetings;
  • typing up of new, or proofreading of, existing contract templates;
  • on and off-boarding documentation;
  • probation review meetings;
  • any sensitive communications that you may prefer to outsource for safe, secure transcription to avoid doing in-house.


Human resources transcription services

There is an increasing need for diligence when it comes to documenting any meetings, conversations and/or events that affect day-to-day operations. This is likely to be the case for some time to come, and in a post-COVID world, it is one of the many aspects of operations within a company that has changed irrevocably. With virtual meetings increasingly becoming a substantial part of ‘the new normal’, there is a new dynamic to communication between employers and employees, as well as employees and clients.

The health and welfare of workers is paramount. Employers have a duty of care to their employees, leading to an increased need to conduct meetings. This means more recording of outcomes and next steps.

The requirement for quality data and records within a business is, if possible, even more important now than ever. A human resources audio transcription service will enable all discussions to have an accurate transcript. And allow pertinent employee-related information to be documented concisely and permanently.

How much does a transcription service for human resources cost?

For a multi-voice audio recording it can be from £2/3 per audio minute to transcribe it. However, at VoiceNotes, we also offer a subscription service, which – depending on the requirement – can be more cost effective.

Costs of transcription can vary depending on the quality-assurance process operated by the agency. At VoiceNotes, for example, in order to ensure an optimum level of accuracy, one person audio-transcribes the file, and a proofreading professional then audio-proofreads and perfects it. 

How much time does it take to set up a human resources transcription service?

Whether uploading files or using a secure dictation tool, it doesn’t take long. Time should be taken on due diligence when researching an appropriate service provider. You need to make sure the operations and confidentiality of said service provider align with your own ethics and requirements.

Established and up-to-date transcription companies have their own smart systems. For instance, VoiceNotes Ltd enables you to dictate a summary of a meeting using your phone to a secure system. This ‘call reporting’ is then typed and proofread by a human proofreading team and emailed back to you. At VoiceNotes, your dictation passes through no fewer than two professionals – a typist and an editorial-grade proofreader – to ensure accuracy.

You can also upload or send in audio files to the same secure system – this could be a recorded phone call or videoconference call, etc. VoiceNotes’ human resources transcription team is very flexible in meeting its clients’ needs.

How long does it take to turn around audio files?

It depends on the service level agreed between the client and the transcription company. Same-day turnaround can certainly be possible when audio files are delivered early in the day (also depending on the length of them) but generally, 48 hours (or two business days) is common.

We appreciate that sometimes a human resources department may need meeting notes and transcripts back ASAP. Because of this, we launched our transcription service for human resources to meet these specific deadlines and do everything we can to help.

What to look for when choosing a transcription company

First and foremost, a proven track record of supplying top-quality logs and evidence, transcripts and other written documents. Being a registered supplier to highly regarded professional clients – websites will often include testimonials from current service users. Having the ability to turn around work in the safest and most secure way possible. We at VoiceNotes understand that human resources is a multi-faceted and changing environment in any business. However, its fundamental purpose of ensuring continuity of operations and functionality will always be predicated on two key factors – transparency and clarity. Through record-keeping, we will always be needed to facilitate this. We are the go-to transcription company for the most prestigious of clients.

How safe is outsourcing data to transcription companies?

If fully ISO 27001 compliant, they should operate to the strictest of security standards. Systems should be VPN, password and two-factor authentication protected. Companies that faithfully operate to ISO 27001 standards are as secure as it’s possible to be. Furthermore, if you are looking to outsource sensitive and highly confidential data, you can do so with the utmost confidence. A transcription company is responsible for sensitive client data, day in, day out. This includes private and confidential information, legal information/evidence and material of a sensitive nature – particularly so within the remit of human resources – and could even be pertaining to employees or employee/client disputes. All information should always be held in the strictest confidence.

VoiceNotes Ltd specialises in transcription of audio files for legal, human resources and compliance record-keeping purposes.


Let’s talk!

Please get in touch by completing the form below or contacting us on info@voicenotes.co.uk / 0207 117 0066



Human Resources Transcription Service